I havent played in a while so sorry if any of these have been answered.
- Floor 2 town raided by minotaurs is missing its battle backing
- The mage school, if you talk to one Npc outside azar will appear and you can start and do the sewer temple quest over and over
- Again mage school, if you enter the cafe the exit wont work and you have to teleport out
- floor 6 dream mansion there is no hachi ( or im just blind and missed her )
- floor 7, outside the spa missing battle back
- floor 8(?) if you give the queen the holy water you get stuck in trees
- for the blood magi you "learn" bear dance or somthing along those lines bt the skill never actully gets added to your list.
- for the feminity/masculinity what does that actully affect? Also on floor 7 when i was a thief, there was a lot of stuff for feminity but when i went through as a mage nothing. Do I have to be a thief or did I just have lower feminity score? how would I even raise it asides from the memory lane stuff? on my mage i took all the perks that would add estrogen so I dont think i was low. Please dont tell me I have to be a thief cause I hate them so much.
- If you take the kings path on floor 8 he tells you Azars at the inn. I went with the queen this time and Azar is not there. Do i have to take the kings path for this or is it not implemented yet?
- After the MC/Azar/Worms scene in the sewer a SH*Tton of brain suckers started appearing. Its cool and all but whats up with that?
- The yuki-ona on floor 4. I like them but there wasnt much. did i miss a quest there because i feel there should be a quest.
- The deermen that keep getting brought up, those are wendingos right? do we get to fight them at some point
- New crafting is fun and I really like it but I havent found a single voodoo recipe yet and im on floor 10. Am i missing them or are they just late game?
- In the invo I saw a section for class NPCs like Azar, thank god they can join your team but how do I get them?
- Volcano on floor 2, whats up with the mirror? Did it actully do somthing or is it just there to be fucked up ( much like the Azar being totured scene. I like it and all, it workswith the game but it makes my skin crawl)
- If you havent noticed yet i like taking the soy diet, what are some of the scenes it affects and how would i go about getting it up?