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detailed feedback

A topic by marsalune created 57 days ago Views: 672
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god im in love with this game, and with June, im at day 30 and just unlocked the massage 

there's some things i want to leave as feedback since there seems to be a genuine effort in updating this game

-more feedback from june cumming(or at least a better face animation, if possible id like to have more of an indicator of june while shes coming and i cant change position where we can see she's coming down from it)

-better facial animation loops, june's face will look like she's enjoying herself and then shell just snap back to a default expression, which tends to kill the sense of her enjoying herself, which i still really enjoyed, and i think is one of the highlights of the game, so what i might recommend is her indicating where her orgasm is; by adding 1 face animation for -30%climax and 1 more face animation for -70%climax while keeping the old animations as an a transition between the 2

-female va (possible multiple for different personality modules) dear god this game needs june to be voiced i cant express how powerful this game already is to my gooner brain. it would also benefit to have a couple different va's for different voices while being able to customise if its new additional actor or the main one (eg:you can equip the "ara ara module" in the equipment menu, then have a button which provides changes the lines to be spoken by the base VA)
va suggestions(NG:cottontilva,missmoonified, oolaytiger, snakeysmut . reddit: u/from_your_mouth)

-greater personality module influence in scenes where she talks(self explanatory, i reckon this should include any point after the personality module becomes available(character progression moments, idle interactions, talking interactions. not just sex sequences))

-more goth clothing pleeeesse-(making the eyeshadow darker would be greeeat :333)(i am a feeble gothbrained ejaculator)

-more accessory and hair items, the range of customisation for these things are great and id love to just see more of it <3

-make items just a bit less expensive, i liked the grind this time i think, but the prices were always a bit overwhelming

-regular items in the store, i would suggest having a set of new condition hypercamo appendage items always be available in the store so i don't have to wait for a compromise when we all know one of the major milestones in the gameplay is completing junes body

-ITEM PURCHASE PREVIEW(URGENT)- i still have no idea what the difference between an experimental and regular arm looks like, it doesnt have to be super complex you could just use preexisting art use that in a preview window

-speed up streams without losing income- something like the speed up button in btd3, for people who arent trying to lose a whole day to this game(IK this is meant to be important to the game but this should be a choice to players not a obligation to the experience(having this as part of a "cheat mode" set of features would be good))

-another dialogue button that allows you to skip over inconsequential encounters-one of the greatest peeves about this game are the annoying interactions that i immediately skip whenever i saw them, while i do see the sense of humor present and it did get a chuckle out of me mainly in the comment section, regardless i still skipped 90 present of the dialogue, it just drags on for way too long and i was shocked how long it took even with skip on, this wasn't really the problem as much as it was the fact that i had to guess if i was missing something important. for example i knew i could activate her personality and eventually did it but im still unsure if the interaction with the church girl is what made that happen. so to remedy this id suggest a plot skip button that does full skips on any interaction that isnt relevant to the important events of the game or anything that tells me something useful, and ideally will glow to let me know when something important is happening, but it needs to be said that i do really appreciate the current skip button as i again may not have made it to day 30 if not for that

-contracts- please please please make it so that i can accept 2 contracts at a time(and please also make them more rewarding), i see a lot of potential with this adding more content and aspects to gameplay, namely that id like the idea of being able to prepare to satisfy 2 sponsors' in a single stream and switch between sponsor items after the requirement is met. there is something about this that i think should absolutely be kept which is the sense of downtime after completing several contracts which i can use to rest, then use money to buy upgrades, i mainly get this feeling from not checking the contracts board in this imaginary "downtime" which in this time i can use to sleep, regenerate cum, improve mood and most importantly, bond with june. whatever you guys decide i highly recommend: a full contract regeneration period of 2/3 days (the amount of time till balls are full again) and be able to accept at least 2 and not more than 4 at a time
in terms of making it more rewarding i highly highly suggest these changes:
-->   make contract payments at least 3 times more rewarding or at least ramp them quicker to 3  times more profitable, i dont want to have to be at day 30 and still earning 2.5k at a time, at this point without the ability to take multiple makes contracts more of a hinderance to the gameplay than something that adds investment in players because there were times id prematurely stop the stream just to collect my bounty and take on another.(on a separate note i think the "contract acceptance time limit feature" is pretty good and adds some urgency and reminds me im running a business of sorts in game)
-->   adding a number of slots to the contract system that occasionally goes up depending on a discrete player level value
-->   the shipped clothing starts at shirts and hoodies then graduates to sexier stuff like lingerie or accessories
-->   maybe add a add a new sponsor that will supply cybernetics but also require that you have them visible and not fully covered by stockings, or modules need to be equipped at the time
-->   im not sure what to say about the time specification of the listings because i think theyre a cool aspect to the contract system that adds a feeling of coordination but i can see how this would become overwhelming if time specific listings start appearing more than once at a time so id jsut say, just keep them rare or make it so theres not more than one available at a time

-better streamlining between menus-a bit quality of life improvement be with the sluggishness and anti-ergonomic menus that dampen the experience and make the game loop tedious. a fix with this game would be turning all the apartment button menus into a sort of single page menu with tabs to make transitions easier and quicker notably switching between "" and then equipment(to equip contract gear) menu and then sleep menu(this really shouldnt be a text menu at this stage of development if i can be honest guys). OR the easier fix:
you can just turn off all the transitions, and make the "close menu" button right click(be careful and disable this for sex scenes), this still has the issue of having to move the use the mouse to identive the "click zone" that triggers the effect that for some reason isnt just the relevant item: so for this id reccoment fixing it by having a highlight in the shape couch above the couch that turns on when ou hover your mouse above it, clicking anywhere in the highlight will immediatly show you a dropdown menu that shows you your options (or a text menu if you must just please remove the text and transition). another thing worth mentioning is how the pc ui is annoying and ugly, the icons(despite actually looking important) look the same, these need to be distinguishable, at least cocktracts and ladyparts. another thing is that the exit icon is on the bottom right instead of top right, i scrambled everytime i moved it to the top right to exit and then had to jump back down, not super annoying on its own but part of a larger set of problems regarding the games ui problems

-better streamlining between hand/mouth/disable ui- continuing what i said before about making use of the right click, right click in sex mode can be used to toggle between modes, with a long right click to remove an item and a long right click off the body to fully restore the outfit, i hated the idea of having to stop the stream because i accidentally removed an important item only to continue after the fix. i never did it with sponsor clothes but i did with a leg once luckily it did stop me from using the bj position.

-(CAUTION)one handed mode- i had the idea of a one handed mode because all porn games really should but, what would that have an affect on for this game, i enjoyed the level of interactivity in the sex scenes even though most of the time it was just rubbing junes head for 30 mins. there's a lot of style and personality in these animations and id be a little remiss to have see it replaced by an "auto play with nipple" feature. so like idk, id recommend avoiding it in this case, because ultimately you can just take turns between enjoying yourself, stimulating june, and comment moderation. i reckon not having a one hand system makes it better in this case, since theres more going on than just the sex, but of course this would be enhanced by by the next suggestion

-better comment feedback features- so what i think the game does really well is lead you into the idea that taking optional actions will lead to better numbers in the streaming section without creating a popup that just tells you outright, so what would be good is using the ban feature to ban people who want to ban you, which then triggers the follower count to turn green and receive a percentage boost for a short amount of time, which makes the sex scenes more interactive than just rubbing her head furiously, especially with slow mode that will make the chat feel more manageable another example is to have the crowd express a temporary bias, so people will start saying "give her backshots" or "grope her tits" but you can only have one sex position or one hand or tongue feature at a time

-cum regeneration- while i didnt hate that it took days to regenerate cum i would suggest something like making it max out in 2 days so that i know when i can start the next contracts, but over this i would recommend having some sort of item that boosts how quickly you can regen, either as a food item or a medicine item, this would also improve the early game loop and make it feel more precise and rhythmic instead of having to come back the day after you expected to fax out for more sleep while also using your non sexing time to engage with more of the other features of the game.

-disable talking while thumb is in mouth, and make this feature more stimulating to June- generally i find this feature to be really sexy and dominant, so i want her to gain more pleasure out of it, instead of interrupting me to say something

-poltergeist hand, the had feature works and looks fucking great!(especially how it tells you what a click area will do by hovering over it(nipples, clit, ect)), id love a feature where you can slap her face (and maybe her ass in doggystyle as part of the "grab ass" movement) and she moans from it/is stimulated by it. what would also be good is to have a mode where holding leftclick off the body actives "poltergeist" mode, where the hand enters a mode that responds to the shape of her body, for example:(in missionary) the hand looks looks like a flat hand from behind while on her midriff, but while on her waist looks like a hand posed to llok like its holding a book, and if you go to her leg it will look like its matching the surface of her leg: while moving across her body itll look like youre massaging her and her clickzones will also respond to where your fingertips are travelling and her movable body parts, like her mouth and boobs for example will be distorted in the same way they woud if you were holding them. you can stimulate her just by massaging her her in this mode but shell squirm a little if you move your fingers over her clit or nipple, and neck.
new hand abilities that respond to cyberware accessories like cat ears would be awesome, like if you play with the elf ears she gets flustered

-general rework of doggystyle-. that scene is just really hot and i just wish there was more i could do with my hand and mouth+see june be more responsive in that pose, like sticking her tongue out in that pose. honestly that one pose may need more refined art as well since it kinda stands out against the puppeted look of the other scenes. and despite being very hot(especially with xray on) id still like to see it in a matching artstyle and with more to do.

-responsive dialogue in sex scenes- this is not a critique just wanted to say the writing in these is really well done and well integrated ::clap::

-involve the other female charecters in the games sex appeal more,- particularily the shopkeeper and the girl from the church, theyre both hot, i reckon it would be good to get like an email at some point involving a nude(think about it like huni pop, while completing a quest line with them you recieve new lewd photos from them) im not gonna ask to see them fucking like how you have sex with june bcs that would be a huge installment but some sexy photos of them would be great.

-MAIN QUEST INDICATOR(URGENT)-should include collecting one of each limb, and activating her various personalities, and maybe her later soft romance interactions-seriously important that this is fixed, this is genuinely one of the greatest ero games i've played and i almost didn't finish it the 1st 2 times i played because of sense of directionlessness i was feeling in those cases and only committed this time because of the new images on the website. im sure your team would hate if this was the reason more people hadn't gotten to experience it, i know i would.

-more emotionally tender interactions with june- i do feel genuinely bonded with june and this game would benefit to have more of that

-cloth stretch features more clothing "poses"- cmon, you guys are too talented/skilled to have not have thought of this at least, while i think the partial removal system looks great and even though i know the execution(for example the baggy pants you can buy june) of this is super rudimentary but you get away with it really well while also having it add to the variety of sex scenes. but this point is just to express that i think more would be better here (in terms of quantity) like having more poses for things like the slip dress or bras, similar to what you guys did with panties(although i kinda like the "A pose-to B pose" kind of look as opposed to the "dragging" look)

-views respond to upgrades and more expensive clothes and more cloth slots being filled-something worth mentioning that you guys did really well is the sense of progression potential, like i had the idea in my head that if i bought more limbs id get more views in streams, same going for clothing items, i don't think both of these were true but it would be great if it was, since late game i want to be able to buy pretty much anything with one of the longer streams i do where i ramp views quickly by doing missionary>fast penetration>handhold>then furiously rubbing her head. and then after cumming i just rub her head to slowly gain the rest of the money i can, imagine if an additional 30k views could be attained by investing in more items.

JUST WANT TO SAY YOU GUYS DID AN AMAZING JOB ON THIS GAME DESPITE ITS FLAWS, I GENUINELY THINK THIS IS ONE OF THE TOP SHELF EROGE IVE PLAYED EVER LIKE, TOP 5 AT MOST. I HOPE TO COME BACK TO IT AGAIN SOME DAY AFTER ITS REACHED ITS FULL POTENTIAL AND WOULD EVEN RECOMMEND YOU PUT A PRICE TAG ON IT(not more than 15USD, friendly word of advice coomers arent rich and will probably just torrent it, unless they torrent it then come back to show their appreciation with a full purchase and positive review, but i dont think theyll spend more than that for a game they really want to honour) AND OF COURSE MORE POSITIONS/ANIMATIONS WOULD BE GREAT

WARNING: if you make an incontinent cell merch line, I WILL BUY A SHIRT,  and im SURE OTHERS WILL