I don't want to make a new topic for every little thing I want to suggest, so I'll just start posting comments in this one :)
An intuitive 2D game engine. Fast, cross-platform, tiny, hot loaded. · By
This file has a list of mruby limitations https://github.com/mruby/mruby/blob/master/doc/limitations.md
The currently used mruby version is 1.9 https://twitter.com/icculus/status/1119557536804483072
I think I've discovered a bug?
Reproduction steps:
- Open a game on macOS
- Have another application open full screen
- Drag the game into the application's fullscreen space so it takes up part of it
- Resize the game so it takes up less space (more might also work)
- The game will now go back to windowed mode and be stuck with the resize cursor displaying. It no longer takes inputs, as far as I can tell.
macOS 10.14.4 Mojave, I can provide more info if needed.
I'm working on revealing as much as I can in the tutorial at dragonruby.school
If you want to get the available methods of a class you could do this:
def tick args
# do this only once
if args.game.tick_count == 1
# print class of args.grid object
puts "The class of args.grid is: #{args.grid.class}"
# print all methods of args.grid object
puts args.grid.methods.sort.join("\n")
Just posted updated builds with most of this feedback incorporated: https://dragonruby.itch.io/dragonruby-gtk/devlog/77694/new-build-4222019