Hello fellow game dev and creators. Our team is looking for a sfx talent to create sounds, as well as another writer to craft the lore, mission story and overall backstory for our tactical-stealth FPS sniper game project. For the SFX, we are looking for sounds such as gun fire(suppressed and unsuppressed), explosions, etc... Our team is comprised of:
- 1 Writer (Myself)
- 1 (VA)
- 1 Game Developer
- 1 Modeler
- 1 Animator
Heres the GDD for any that are interested to join. https://docs.google.com/document/d/18bxz6NaC7oONrQY6E-NiCExBkupseaUkLh3UVvf0SZ0/...
Feel free to reach out to me here or via Discord. My discord is Limonii10.