Gelly Doom Trog
[For use with Horror, Comedy, and / or Seasonally Thematic Games]
- HOIST (12)
- CHUCK (8)
Unlike his mischief-making cousins who would steal food, knock on doors and, well... mostly just steal food, Trog would get too excited and cause massive property damage. Days before Yule, Trog would HOIST doors from their hinges and CHUCK them down slopes to use as a makeshift sled. (The doors did not come back.) To make matters worse, when the other Lads would share the food they had stolen, Trog would hardly savor it, usually finishing the pilfered goods with a single, wet CHOMP.
After a single holiday season's worth of try-outs, he was rejected from his cousins' mischief-making club. The lonely monster has wandered cold, snowed-in dungeons ever since.