So, we put out our first game, Witches and Bandits and Swords (Oh My) on here a while back. One Youtuber- Tom Cheshire- streamed it (below) but had to spend a bit of time messing about with his computer settings to make it bigger. A couple of other streamers also said they enjoyed it, but that they didn't want to stream an online 640 X 400 game (or 600x 400, I forget).
We're working on the next one now and want to make it a bit more streamer friendly, so my question is, very simply: what's the best way of doing this? Is there an optimal resolution? should the game be downloadable? Should it be windowed or full screen? etc. it's a graphic novel, choose-your-own-adventure game which will put some people off (a lot of reading!), but I suppose everyone likes different genres.
And if you are a Youtuber who doesn't mind reading a lot with a 640 x 400 game, feel free to give Witches... a play!