[New Boss] Babushka
[New Perk] Capitalist Consumerism
[New Perk] Salty Elixir
[New Perk] Killing Spree
[New Perk] Martyr
[New] New enemy type: Bomber
[New] New level scenario: Cemetery
[New] 17 Formations
[Balancing] Shotgun projectiles now move 35% slower
[Balancing] Decreased the health of the turrets in some formations
[Balancing] "Energy Router" perk duration decreased
[Balancing] Nerfed all of the "Black Hole" consumables
[Balancing] Nerfed Machine-Guns fire-rate
[Balancing] Nerfed "OCD-R" perks
[Balancing] Buffed "Missile Salvo" consumable
[Balancing] Buffed "Mixcoatl" perk
[Improvement] "Lord of the Piercings" now affecting drones too
[Improvement] "Oscillatory Magnetic Geode" renamed to "Social Dronewinism",now also affects "Joy"'s power, and nerfed it so it only duplicates projectiles on other drones
[Fixed] Lost Lords won't repeat in each run
[Fixed] Drones that were created by "Mitosis" can now fire
[Fixed] "Multi Projectile" perks no longer overrides "Oscillatory Magnetic Geode" perk
[Fixed] Overlords now appear in the correct order
[Fixed] Some explosions were not removing enemy colliders, making projectiles hit them
[Fixed] Some formations are no longer spawn in-screen
[Fixed] "Splash" perk working again
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