For the past few years when I joined itch I realized that only a few people download my game.
I am amazed you do have downloads, considering you have a paywall.
Your tags and platforms are wrong. One of your apk files is tagged for Windows. The other two for MacOS. One is tagged for the Pico-8 virtual console. Your descriptions are one liners. You did not do what the AI told you, after you asked it for a profile text: "Feel free to customize this bio to fit your personal style, experience, and brand."
As for your question, there are established Android stores. And all of them have better Android support than Itch. On Itch you can only download the file. It does not tell you anything about the rights the game will ask, as an example. And there is no store app. The official Itch app does not work on Android to install apps there.
So downloading games for Android that look like they should run even in a browser on Android would be rather rare, I imagine.