For anyone having troubles with downloading the APK, for one your not supposed to, the file is too big and the creator has thus moved it to new grounds, but there is a way around this
Go to the playstore and download the app called "rar" it's a COMPLETELY free zip extractor, download the game file, and open the rar app and go to the slide out menu on the top left, open the one that says "CSO", this is the game file you just downloaded
From here you will see three different options, you will see a random top option (I forgot what it was but yeah) and then you will see your newly downloaded zip files for this game, now your gonna choose the files that have "CSO" In the name. Once you select it you now look to the top right of your screen and you will see four buttons, choose the second one, the one with the arrow.
And now you tap the one with the icon and it will begin to stage the app (basically install it), it will say it is malicious content, but ignore it, and with that you have your brand new game to play, enjoy