I've got the second one, but I can't get the first one
So there are 2 cutscenes for chet's quest, more like a battle. There are three condition the player must fulfill
1 the player must seduce the enemy to a lust of above 60
2 the player must keep the fight going on for at least 10 rounds (healing and seducing counts as a round)
3 the enemy must be defeated using weapons and attacks and not seduction.
If you get all 3 correct, you will get one. However, even if you fulfill the first 2 (lust and 10 rounds) you will still get one. How to know you got one? Chef will reward you with 1800 coins. The fight was very difficult for me that it took me multiple attempts but here is what I did.
1 quickly get the enemy to 60+ lust
2 put player on wolf stance to reduce damage and heal a lot (2-3 times)
3 then I just attack, attack and heal.
4 once health is low, repeat steps 2 and 3.
Note- I didn't have a good gear so I ended up using the entire soup flask and 5 healing potions. And my player had 47 health remaining when I won