So seeing the posts last night about how active support is discontinued now prompted me to finally fork the code and dig in to see if there was anything I could do about some of the gargantuan memory size pngtuberplus can use.
And I'm happy to say I found a bunch of optimizations!
I don't have access to submit pull requests, but I DID go ahead and commit updates to my own fork. Getting rid of a bunch of the unnecessary caching/doing some texture storage optimization dropped both the GPU memory usage down and dramatically shaved off the RAM usage of the software. Myself and other friends have used the software in the past to make very complex models (mine tend to be 40+ items) so I was able to cut the usage from several gigabytes down to a few hundred megabytes.
If this stuff could get tested by kaiakairos to confirm/put into a release it'd be an amazing quality of life upgrade! (I see several people have also submitted pull requests on the Github, incidentally, to add features.)