game crashed on second or third page of a contest.
the typist was the second caligraph typist.
the book was a book with a baby blue cover.
error message:
in "GlobalScript.asc", line 12293
Error: GUI.X: co-ordinates specified are out of range
game crashed during second page of a contest.
the typist was the third typer in remington (the one with the moustache)
the book, was random.
error message:
in GlobalScript.asc line 7480
from GlobalScript.asc line 13146
Error: error running function 'on_key_press':
Error: Script appears to be hund (a while loop ran 150001 times). the problem may be in a calling function; check the call stack.
(i have no idea how to get a stacktrace, i would get one for you if i could.)