the game seems pretty good, the problem is the mix of language with, what I assume is Russian, and English. I do gotta say, loving the idea of the game where you play as the girls and fight enemies. Do kinda wish I could be a male security guard, though I'm fine with playing chicks I guess. Also, what is Mr. Burns doing here? Kinda makes it go higher than other games.
I do hope that the language is fixed and isn't mixed like right now, and that we get even more gameplay. Did notice something while playing, and that's when I got to fixing a breaker. I moved my mouse and had no idea what I did wrong. If you're doing this as well, just don't move your mouse, would like there to be a text telling us not to move our mouse yet though.
I would say check this game out and support this guy as this is a good game. I like the abilities and the dialogue (to a degree). If you guys wanna check it out, you should, just know it's pretty limited, would also like there to be companions as well. I don't like fighting on my own in these kinds of games as it's easy to get overwhelmed by enemies (like in Five Nights at F***boys).