Villian:The Hood的异能Foul Play,描述的是弃掉两张牌,然后以一张不是他遭遇组的作为玩家的遭遇牌,但现在的版本里,他会一直发牌,直至抽到不是他遭遇组的组为止。也就是说,这个技能变成玩家必吃了。原来没发现,专2一直打不过,应该是早期版本就出现了。
Hi @willowBySword,
Thank you for your report regarding the Foul Play ability. I appreciate your detailed description of the issue.
I was unable to reproduce the bug as described. It’s important to note that there are three cards with the ability “Foul Play” (cards “24001”, “24002”, and “24003”). Could you please clarify which specific card you are referring to in your report?
Additionally, if possible, could you provide a save file or any further details about the game state when you encountered this issue? This information would be very helpful in diagnosing the problem.