Sometimes I get various clues like negative temps and other stuff but its always the wrong ghost no matter what I do. One time the clues clearly showed to Shy and it was wrong and I failed what am I doing wrong?
Thermometer fluctuates when a ghost passes by. If you are getting constant negative number then you have freezing temperature. Check if you have latest version by accessing computer in main base(green room you spawn in). Open Web browser on that computer and see if you can have SCM Database tab available. If you do click on it and see if you got 'Flower Lamp' or 'Lamp Bearer' in the list.
In fact, it is easy to judge which kind of ghost it is. Now these can be divided into several categories:
1. Direct category: There is water on the ground, you can see shadows in the mirror, or turn off the lights and power supply frequently (may be shy)
2. Tool category: Negative temperature (when a ghost passes through the temperature, the temperature will change, and the temperature will become lower if the lights are turned on), ghost box.
These are just a way to judge. For me, I would choose to bring ghost box, UV, EMF, and then have my assistant bring a thermometer, and turn off the light and use the ghost mode of the phone to detect if there are floating light balls, so that I can quickly know the ghost room and know which ghost it is.