If you're having trouble printing the rules and cards correctly, you can either find which file is a best-fit for your printer or request edits to the rules to have a file with margins for your printer.
Using CTRL/Command + F on this page, you can search for the details that would match your printer's setup as seen below.
If no results match your setup or are close enough to be edited yourself, then request a new one with a new comment formatted as follows:
Printer Name/Model (Including Brand/Make):
Manual or Automatic Double sided (Duplex printing):
Paper Size (mm):
- Width:
- Height:
Front Side Margins (mm):
- Left:
- Right:
- Top:
- Bottom:
Back Side Margins (mm):
- Left:
- Right:
- Top:
- Bottom:
Best-fit Rules file: (None or specific file's name when its made, either as an update or reply to the original comment)