So, I was playing a normal dicey run and proceeded to fight a Bush, and well this happened:I was unable to flee or do anything afterward, I had to exit the game and basically lose all of my progress.
A port of Terry Cavanagh's Dicey Dungeons · By
Well after checking the equipment.csv, I came to the conclusion that there is no item called Bush in the game, maybe you made a typo but buhs isn't there either and that sort of stuff.
This should be a nice placeholder for the time being:
Bush,4,5,sprJungleAssassinHide,sndJungleAssassinHurt,30,4,Camouflage:0&0|Medkit:1&0|Pipe:0&1|Bandage:0&2|Bandage:1&2,*leaf noises*,burnweak |