I have been working on a set of assets to release as an asset pack for platformer based projects here on Itch. Below, I will share a list and present a few work in progress samples of animations from the character and enemies in the pack so far, accompanied by a list of things that I have yet to include but intend on including.
I welcome suggestions, I'd actually love for anyone that would be a potential user of this pack to get involved and discuss things with me, what do you look for in a pack besides the obvious, what do other packs you have purchased lack, what animations are essential to you for a platformer character asset? - Anything along these lines - All input is welcomed!
Initially I was struggling with how the main character would look and out of nowhere, Monkey jumped into my head and so I made the main character asset a monkey-like-boy, to put a spin on things and have some fun within the animation process. I wasn't too sure at first, but I feel like the character really took and I quite like it now, and hopefully many of you do as well!!
Here are some visuals so far with animated examples:
The main thing that I was concerned about initially is that the run animation is not a typical run, but that is due to the sprite designed to be like a monkey (with throw-able bananas!) but if many of you think that this deters you from wanting to use the asset, I will consider adding a normal walk or run animation to the pack to amend that.
List of completed animations for the character in the asset pack are as follows:
- Idle
- Run
- Get Hit
- Block
- Combat
- Left Jab 1 - light attack
- Left Jab 2 - light attack
- Right hook - heavy attack
- Light Kick
- Sliding / Crouching Kick
- Crouch
- & Crouched Throw
- Throw
- Death
- Jump
Animation that I aim to include that I have not yet finished or need to redo:
- Push object
- Pull Object
- Carry Object
- More Attacks
- uppercut
- more kick moves
- Jump based attacks
- Special attack
- ensure all can link together
- Pickup Item / Use Leaver / Open Door (default action animation)
- Basic Single Hand Weapon Animations
- light attack x 1
- Light attack x 2
- Heavy Attack
- Use item / potion
I wasn't too sure once I had this character, what I could create for enemies, so I took first to the mechanics of the enemies and a design for them formed around that, so far I only have a couple of enemies finished, but I will express some design mechanics around coloured variations for them tomorrow or later, after I have slept.
Snail Enemy:
Spiked Variation:
The idea is that these enemies would be able to transition to a vertical climb obstructing the player at times or causing the player to have to get hurt to avoid a greater or stronger enemy, but these blue ones can only move in one direction, whereas another coloured variant would be able to turn around and move the other way, following the direction of the player but sticking to whichever surface they are still on. There is intent on adding an enemy that does this but can hop to local tiles in pursuit of the player.
There is a slime enemy that is not yet finished, A giant fish that leaps out of water to get to the player across certain deep water gaps, plant based enemies that are ranged and melee that can leap out of the background to strike the player based on many variations in mechanis or triggers.
Much rougher work in progress previews here!
Some tiles that are likely going to be reworked, but this is what the current state is and they are 16x16:
All feedback, suggestions or requests are welcome, this is actively being worked on and I am also seeking paid work if you're interested in commisioning anything or looking to contract an artist, feel free to get in touch! - https://twitter.com/PatrickGrifiths - or - patriick@linuxmail.org - https://twitter.com/PatrickGrifiths/status/1130252877161730048
The style is close to my current personal project, Karzak The Slayer, something that has inspired the style behind this character and the enemies not so much the tiles.
Kind Regards,