Hello : )
I've started a game some times ago, ambitious but never finished because money (too big for a first project)... since then I'm working on others projects but I would love to have your thoughts about it, maybe It would motivate me to at least finish the demo (1h30, the build you're gonna play is the IndieCade 2018 demo version).
I would like feedbacks more focused on the gameplay/story/music/dubbing (more of a general feeling) then the control/bugs (mostly because a lot of it are already fixed, since this demo is alpha 2.0 and I'm actually in 2.5).
Also, this is what I would do if I finish the demo :
- Finishing puzzles levels.
- Improved UI/Guide addition. (If you are the type to pass the dialogues, you will now know what to do/or go for).
- Make the fight VS Kolick more interesting. We will not add a phase but modify some to propose new mechanics.
- Improve combat VS RPS.
- Added a life bar/phase for bosses.
- Internet / New powers.
- Always more Polish (FX, Anim, cognitive return…)
This is the page for the game :
Please read the Install Instruction !
Thanks you :)