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[Artist] Sprite|CG|Background

A topic by Ansyu created Jun 23, 2019 Views: 574 Replies: 2
Viewing posts 1 to 3
(3 edits)

Hello, I'm Ansyu, and I am offering to make mainly sprites, cg, and background. I have attached an example of a cg. For background and sprite examples, please visit my gallery,

Im not looking for payment, so as long as your game project is active and meets my requirements (no high nsfw, no incestrous genre, no game with 0 progress), Im willing to do for no pay. But if it isnt active, I will charge money, or not take the role. 

Contact me for discussion:

Discord: ansyu#4495


Bump for updated information~

Hello, my team is currently looking for an artist for our Visual Novel.  We are in the beginning stages, and are close to finishing up a prologue in which we plan to release as a demo.  Please email me at or message me via Discord @ C1c4d4#4005

Deleted 5 years ago