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Lust Doll

An adult game set in a post-apocalyptic sci fi/ fantasy open exploration world. 路 By indivi

Did i win ?

A topic by Biologist created Jul 01, 2019 Views: 1,636 Replies: 3
Viewing posts 1 to 3

I got my arms and legs back, i fight the Edith, i surrendered, then i achieved the ending "rinny's broken 1", after that i selected "it is all a dream". And i was sent back to fight. In this fight i won't fail, even my health drop to zero. I won that fight. Did i actually win, or everything after the ending is a dream ?


You're fine. It's just that way to prevent the player from being trapped if they can't beat her


Nice design, anyway馃槀

actually thats only a tiny milestone in lust doll u dont actually beat the game that way theres still alot to explore