Hello there! I'm a sound designer/musician currently working with an artist, and we're looking for a passionate programmer to fill out our game dev trifecta! Preferably, this would be someone who works in UE4 since the artist primarily works in UE4 as well.
We're hoping this can be a permanent team with which we can work on personal projects (and jam games from time to time)! Currently, we're thinking of developing a tiny exploration game inspired by Breath of the Wild, but we're down to discuss any idea since we'd like everyone to have a say in what we create.
If you'd like to check out our current works, here are the links to our portfolios!
My current work: https://amerlynzeta.com
Artist's work: https://www.artstation.com/dereks
Contact me in the comments below or via Discord - amenemone#3009 - if you're interested, and we can talk! Thanks for your time and have a wonderful day!