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[Unity] [Unpaid] Looking for a team for 2D project

A topic by hme created Aug 10, 2019 Views: 400 Replies: 1
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Hello, I'm a professional programer who just started game development. I worked with C++ and C# before and now I'm learning Unity. I've been gamer for years, and enjoy games like Dark Souls and Castlevania. 

The game I have in mind is a 2D dark souls/metrovania style game, with a gameplay similar to Salt & Sanctuary and Hollow Knight. I've already wrote most of the backstory, but new ideas are still welcomed.

I will be doing most of the writing/design/programming. I mainly require:

2D Artists

Composers/Sound designers

but Writers/Designers/Programmers are also welcomed to join.

Since this is my first game. I'm planning to make it free, but if I felt confident enough to make a commercial release, you will get a revenue share. 

My discord contact is hme#1607

If you still need a designer or project manager or social media manager, please email me @