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Aspiring game designer is looking for all sorts of people!

A topic by Emolga created Aug 15, 2019 Views: 977 Replies: 7
Viewing posts 1 to 9
(1 edit)

Heya! I'm Emolga, and I am searching for people to create a team that will help me make my game idea, Foxtail Park, into an actual game. 

I have no actual experience in game design, as I am just getting into the whole game making scene, but I am looking for people who, like me, are searching to expand their portfolio, and actually want to make something unique and special. 

What is Foxtail Park?

At the moment, Foxtail Park is just an idea, and a slightly developed story for a unique text-based adventure game with a lot of mystery elements. The plan is that it will have three volumes and a demo, and all the volumes and the demo will have their own protagonists, who are already thought of. 

How is Foxtail Park different from other text-based adventure games?

While other text-based adventure games have a linear storyline, Foxtail Park doesn't. It has lots of different endings (which I am in the process of making), and it is one of the games which you have to replay again and again in order of getting different endings. 

What are you working on at the moment, game wise?

Right now, I am trying to make a GDD for the game, but am working rather slowly, due to it being my first GDD. Even though I am working slowly, I am making progress. After I am done with the first version of the GDD, I will start working on/writing the actual story for the demo. 

What do you plan on doing when it comes to working on the game?

I plan on being the game designer/writer for the game, but if I turn out to be a really bad game designer or writer, or if I won't have time to do both, I have no problem in finding people who will fill one of those roles instead of me. 

Which people are you looking for the Foxtail Park team?

Like I said before, I am looking for all sorts of people, but it is important that these people are passionate about what they do. Now the moment everybody has been waiting for. 

Que the drum roll!

The roles I am looking for are:

> Pixel Artist (Somebody who can draw landscapes, like a forest, or mountains, or a river, or a canyon, in a semi-detailed pixel style)
> Animator (Somebody who can make the said landscapes come to life in gif-like animations)
> Programmer (Somebody who can program the game, the platform for the game is still not decided)
> Musician/Composer (Somebody who can create calming and nature associated music which will make the player feel nice and relaxed)
> Sound Designer (Somebody who can handle all the sound related things in the game
> Other (Anybody else who thinks they can help in making this game idea into reality, this includes game designers, writers and so on.)

Will I get payed for the work I do on the game?

I can't promise that anybody will get payed, but I can promise that if the game ends up making some money, all the profit will be split up accordingly to how much contribution everybody had in the making of the game. I can also promise that, if this idea actually becomes a game, everybody working on it will have something new to put on their portfolios, which is definitely a win in my book. 

Where and how can I contact you?

I am available on Discord (Emolga#1411), but if Discord doesn't work for you, leave your email, or another contact down below, and I'll make sure to contact you as soon as I possibly can.

Hi, I'm looking to see if I can help in maybe the writing or design portion, you can email me at


Hello, I read your text and I’m wondering if the position is still open. If it is contact me on my email: or my discord, It’s the true kinda love#5205.(I know it’s a silly name, but anyway, contact me if you’re interested.)


(1 edit)

Screw it, I'll throw my hat in this ring.
Name's Lurcolm. I know how to make some bits of code in Python and I'm a prolific writer, going on seven years now. If nothing else, I can help you consult the story and stuff like that.

Discord tags is Lurcolm#8399

Hey Emolga,
I was wondering if you are still searching for someone who can compose music for your game.
Im studying music composition and theory and im looking for some projects to get involved in, so i can make my first steps in the gamemusic industry.

For some sound examples you can visit my temporary Website at
If you have a particular style in mind, you can tell me and i could provide a demo track so we can see if my music fits your style :)


Composer here. Can also work in sound design. 

Let know if you're still looking and I'll link you to some of my work.