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Looking for a composer for the Brackey's Game Jam (unpaid)

A topic by raydee99 created Aug 27, 2019 Views: 256 Replies: 1
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Hey my team is looking for a composer for our dungeon crawler being made for the Brackey's Game Jam. It's based around swords and has a fun, snarky narrator. We're looking for some music that draws influence from any or all of the following:

- Enter the Gungeon, other roguelikes like it, and Boyfriend Dungeon

- Hip-Hop and/or techno (with a chiptune or chiptune-like electric guitar melody)

- Cheesy (but jammin') 90's bops

If this fits your style or if you think you can pull it off well, please reach out! Many thanks!

Here's a link to my portfolio -  My discord is 404_ErrorMusic#7851 Shoot me a message if you hear something you like.