A scene from my most recent game: The only nation that still has "All_Will_Be_Ashes" as its status stands tall as the strongest nation in the galaxy, with over 200 stars. They are a defensive-horde state with one of the highest tech levels in the galaxy. They have had a long and storied history, starting with the original Galactic Federation Of Light, which probably brought about the horde-zealot trait.
The Masenogove Pact, spreading like a forest fire (it consumes a star, and later that star rejoins neutrality as the All_Will_Be_Ashes takes effect) and never quite dying out (all the other nations entered All_Will_Be_Ashes 41 millenia ago, and none of them remain), has remained in power for 1247 MILLENIA. For the last 41 of those, it has been in the All_Will_Be_Ashes state.
EDIT: At Millenium 1584 of Masenogove rule, they only had one star, so I decided to change their state. After 383 millenia of ALL_WILL_BE_ASHES, they almost fell.