" ...In the center of Nordburg, there is an Old-Patriarchal Church the center of the ancient-Monotheism in the past. After the division of the church, people serve for this Church has decreased and it has collapsed miserably. Surrounded by slums and dubious shops, there is no shadow of the world's largest religious city."
Principia is a Visual Novel game featuring Hurt/Comfort story featuruing Anthropomorphic characters.
They are living in a Nordburg: a retro Soviet-ish city, and struggling to become an independent adult via getting along with their harsh situations.
Get the game now, to see their slice of life.
itch.io Page: https://nymn-wales.itch.io/principia
Creator's hubs:
Tumblr: https://lomlatu.tumblr.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Nymn2_PRNC
Deviantart: https://www.deviantart.com/lo-mlatu