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[Artist] looking for visual novel projects to help out on

A topic by iridscnt created Oct 10, 2019 Views: 453 Replies: 3
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hi there! i'm interested in collaborating with someone to create a visual novel! i can create character sprites, cgs, and UI for ren'py (unfortunately not the best at BGs, but i can try). here's my portfolio. i can also double as a proofreader/editor, as i've worked on several games in the past in that role. thanks everyone!

Hi, what theme do you like to do the most? and do you mind working with other engine beside RenPy? and do you have a discord id?

hey! i enjoy romance, comedy, horror, and fantasy type settings the most. i'm okay with working with other engines besides renpy, but as a heads up i don't have any experience doing pixel art or 3d art (if you wanted to use rpgmaker or unity). my discord id is thepoopscoop#8322!

Hey! I sent you a friend request on discord. I am  in the process of creating a visual novel and am on the look out for people willing to help on the art.