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Robolution beta 1.0.1

this game is not complete but yes you can still do Parkour around the map and just mess about have fun :) · By Phoenix_Dev

what do you like and dislike about the game and what do you have for suggestion for later builds

A topic by Phoenix_Dev created Oct 12, 2019 Views: 144 Replies: 3
Viewing posts 1 to 2

tell me what you like and dislike about Robolution currently I like a bit of constructive criticism 

and if you have any suggestions tell me I would love to get the community involved withe the development of Robolutuon.

There's no goal. Maybe make a parkour track thing. Where at the end you can win. 

About the world. It's super random? There's like 3 people fighting and a person laying down. Then a few random buildings.

The controls are good and stuff.

I made this game ages ago hahaha you posted almost a year ago XD 
