Tisha quest
When looking for Tisha in Wimborn, if Emily is in the combat group:
- the fight is triggered when the MC is still near the dormitory and he hasn't explored the backstreets yet
- Emily is not displayed as intended (see below):
To fix this, in event.gd I replaced line 593 with:
and I added:
after line 568.
In the same function I also added, inside the block starting with "elif stage==3":
globals.state.reputation.wimborn -= 2
because it's when the MC threatens a harmless girl (also, if there were no penalty, nobody would choose the other options and spend gold or mana to know where Tisha is).
Custom requests
When the MC gives up completing a custom request, there is a warning in the console: something about a non-existing "yesnopopup" node.
I removed line 2609 in Mansion.gd:
and line 861 in outside.gd:
main.get_node("menucontrol/yesnopopup").visible = false
Advanced brand
The "advanced brand" button is not disabled if the MC's energy is less than 20. So, if his energy is, like, 12: after the first advanced brand his energy goes to zero; the next advanced brands are free (they just cost 15 mana, but no energy is actually consumed).
I replaced line 388 of slave_tab.gd with:
if globals.resources.mana >= 15 && globals.player.energy >= 20: