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Save Game Files

A topic by Keifersisawesome created Jan 23, 2017 Views: 21,134 Replies: 8
Viewing posts 1 to 5

Where are save game files stored. I'm just courious because i straight up replaced the old game files with the new ones and my old world was still there.

(-3) - Just a heads up, Google is pretty good at it's job! 馃槀


"raft pc savegame blogspot" is somehow intuitive? blogspot?? furbies???

(1 edit)

My folder does not have locallow when I went into directory of Roaming after searching "%AppData%". Is there another place where the save files are at?

I imagine you're on windows ten. In the directory bar click on AppData. You should see a list with the files Local, LocalLow and roaming. :)


Got it; found the save files; thank you!

Just: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\LocalLow\Raft\Raft\SavedGames

Thank youuu

Can I change the saved game directory to a USB drive instead of C:/.../AppData ?