Can you make a WWII tileset? I would gladly buy it! There's a lack of those on
16 Bit Inspired RTS RPG Asset Set! · By
Im making a game similar in the way it looks to cannon fodder. All tiles/sprites are 16x16. Im looking for soldiers, weapons and tiles of grass, pavement, water, bridges, trees, flowers, shrubs, objects like barrels, idk.
Game looks like this right now. Its original art with some borrowed art so it doesnt make sense.
I had an initial look on the things and decided on the pallette. Retroish war games were usually pale, like these e.g. Commandos: behind enemy lines.
Army men:
To me personally they look good and I would go for that look. What you think? You can also pm or email me about the details of your game so I can curate the tileset better.