Hello everyone it's me again !
Today after messing with the game data folder and code , I've come to the idea to make tiny mods they don't add new items to the game (I still don't have figured how to question of time) but use already in-game element and change their properties.
Caution : I recommand to backup the game files you can redownload them with the itch.io app but your save will be lost and I'm not responsible for it.
Here a little summary :
1-Useful Tree
2-Metal recovery
3-How to install them
4-Download links
1-Useful Tree :
This tiny mod changes the drop list of the orange tree and add 100% to get 1 seed when destroying it
While waiting for new release if you want the tree to be useful or if you want to do a long run this mod can help you to get seeds for your greenhouses
I choose the 100% - 1 seed model because it doen't seems game breaker
2-Metal Recovery :
This tiny mod changes the drop list of the scrap aka ship part and add a 10% to get 1 metal when destroying it
You can now harvest metal without a smelter for your first day on the planet.
It lower a little the game difficulty but it's useful on the long-term because scrap loose quickly it's interest where metal is still needed.
3-How to install :
1-First step getting into the game folder
Right click on the game image in the itch.io app and click on show local files / game folder
This folder will open up
Go into the game folder you will see a Jar file named desktop-1.0
Rick clic on the jar file and open it with winrar