armour weapson amulet and so on
Amulet would be Ruby amulet +1 Agi and +1 str
Armour Elven armour +1 Agi +1 Str
Weapon Ayneris Rapier - no bonus enchants avaible for this weapon
EDIT: there might be arguments about cursed blade being better weapon or other items, i m not sure if this double attack bonus chance isnt the same for both blades and code for them is not that easy to read thru
only way is to progress thru story mode (or play sandbox) to the moment where you meet sebastian and buy for 500 stone of teleportation to umbra
In Umbra - umbra is basicly black (slave) market
there is option to exchange 3 magic items into 1 and this 1 can have 2 bonuses max
bonuses are for armor: energy, health, armor, strenght, agility, endurance, magic aff,
Weapon: speed, attack
Accessory: fear, obedience, all 4 stats
You can have 2 bonuses max like fear + strenght for example so rolling for proper item with proper mods can take time
if you are using like archmage robe or ninja You can't stack bonuses (+2 magic/+2 agility) in current version
same for weapon Claymore -3 speed cant have speed bonus