Each weapon has its own style, weakness, and strength. The Hammer has reach, power and is unblockable, boasting 2 size upgrades that increase its power. The Bow is long-range, deadly, and has a huge amount of upgrades, if you count the energy.
Then... where are the sword upgrades? Because the sword no longer has upgrades, and another melee weapon has come out, the sword feels a bit default and something you need to trade out for something better. This is a far less imaginative path for the game. Even though the previous upgrades are pointless against hammer bots, and they should increase lethality to all types of bot, the sword needs some type of upgrade.
I request that some type of sword upgrades be put into the game, be it the old unbalance and good form, or new and fresh ones. (P.S the incorporation of my armory idea would help make the sword feel more like a style and less like an inferior toad-sticker)