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2D Pixel Artist seeking Programmer/Team - Small project - First Jam!

A topic by MalibuDarby created Feb 21, 2017 Views: 4,590 Replies: 3
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(1 edit)

Hey all :)

I'm looking for a programmer or a team to work on a small scale project for the #ResistJam! I have Myalgic Encephalopathy [Also known as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome] so I'm looking to work with someone who's cool with creating a small project or one that isn't too graphically intensive. While I can often work at a great pace, the last thing I'd want to do is spoil the experience for anyone so I'm erring on the side of caution just in-case I have a flare up and hoping there's others out there who perhaps have less free time or just want to make something small/simple.

I mostly create pixel art. Top-down, side-scrolling, low-res etc. Some examples of my work:

If anyone's interested or would like to discuss ideas or just have any questions drop me a line at darby.machin at of find me on the Discord @Darby#3918

Hey VexedEnigma, what's up? I'm a newbie game developer, who's only been doing it for a few weeks. I mostly use Unity and you can check the stuff I've made here on my profile. If you're still interested, we can try to make something together.

Hi VexedEnigma, we are a team with 4 developers and 1 designer, the pixel art is a great style for our ideas. We work with Unity and have games in other jams.

The recruitment topic:

Just had to post and say your art is insane, dude! Awesome stuff, particularly that last mockup/screenshot.

Good luck!