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iOS & HTML5 developer looking for team

A topic by One Happy Giant created Feb 23, 2017 Views: 250 Replies: 1
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I've participated in a few jams before (GGJ16, 0 hour, mini-LD) and am looking for an artist and audio magician to team up with!

Hey One Happy Giant! Using the magic of google, I checked out some of your work and I like what you've got going on! Props on the app for calling representatives, that's a great idea. I'm a musician/sound designer working mostly in jazz-influenced stuff, but I can cover other genres as well. Here's an example of some work I did for another game jam.

If you feel like I'd be a good fit for what you're going for, feel free to hit me up on twitter @dswish2 or on discord @drewswisher!