Hello everyone who follows my humble little game. I've spent the last 3 weeks or so slaving over this game, and now it's good to release a demo, an Early Access sort of thing. The Kickstarter Demo is pretty much totally complete, floors 1-3 are in their final states for the final game. The only bit that isnt present is the inventory system, which I may not implement at all. I feel like it could distract.
Putting this up on Steam is viable, but it's gonna take a few weeks. Plus I've stuck with Itch.io this long anyways, and it can link to Steam anyways, so I really shouldn't abandon ole' Itch.io.
All the building blocks are in place for the rest of development. The NPC's questlines are set up, systems and mechanics refined...phew its been a bit rough. I'll be distributing this specific demo to drum up support and for marketing for the Kickstarter on 2/1/2020, reaching out to Youtubers and the like. There's a lot of things down the line that I cant do myself that I will want skilled people for. Plus, Oomler plushies!!!
I hope you guys enjoy the demo. If the Kickstarter fails, I'll just have to keep on trucking by myself for now! The road to get here was rough, but now I can actually dedicate myself to this project. Thanks everyone for following and supporting me thus far. It's really meant a lot!