I got this error: no kernel image is available for execution on the device.
I have W10, 64 bits, GTX 950m. Is there something I'm doing wrong? it's just a 16px gif animation with 4 frames. Thank you :)
I have Windows 10 Pro (x64) It's a laptop. It has 2 graphic cards:
-Nvidia Gerforce GTX 950m
-HD Intel® 530
The CPU is i7- 6700HQ.
When I run it on my laptop, it shows that error. It doesn't matter if I choose to run the software with integrated graphics or the Nvidia graphic, the result is the same. When I run the program on my desktop system (AMD RX 570) it shows: "found no Nvidia driver on your system".
That's all I can tell you right now. If you need something more, just tell me, I'll try to help ;)