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plant daddy

grow plants in your sunny apartment! · By brady soglin

Share your plants here! Sticky

A topic by brady soglin created Feb 10, 2020 Views: 118,798 Replies: 1,788
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i have like 2 shelfs for cave blossoms IDK WHYYYYY


i have a problem


Hi Ben, glad you're liking the game. If you have a bug, please post about it in the Support Thread! If you can take any screenshots and describe your problem, that'd be helpful too. Thank you!


oh not like that i really like the cave blossems


hahahaha oops :)

no you don't, not if i can have 6 shelves for them( although 3 of them are single shelves) and i was thinking to myself, "yeah, this is completely normal"

any cool codes

cave blossem prefebed

ill go looking for some!

Ta da


We stan. Would you mind if I used her seed?

not at all

thx! my progress got restarted but i have a good amount of my old seeds written down so I have to be patient now ;-; thank you!


hi! idk if anyones still here, but i stumbled across this game a few days ago and ive been hooked! i think its the absolute cutest and has been getting me through finals. anyways, heres my favorite plant so far, their names doja because the leaves look like cow print :p

Epic i like it



(2 edits)

Left to right: My boys Isiah, Forrest, and Jameson! My first three plants.

My boys Isiah, Forrest, and Jameson. First three plants :)

My first four star- Lord Cact.


here's my little girl ;


Pisa, Mario, and Neon.

This one's beautiful, it's name is Ocean Rose.

Why is Bonzi Buddy pink?



Next time try feeding it less Tubby Custard.



Wow. I really like the orange leaves!

Ikr ? :) Feel free to use the seed ! ^^


my little sunflower

not the highest number of traits, but i thought it looked cool

(1 edit)

plant so nice i grew it thrice. not super rare but looks cool

look what I got :) I really love these plants S2 Lucy it's my real love LMAO

i have it too she,is so normal but she is so beautiful

you- you replied to yourself-

What's the seed on the left + right?

After turning my rooms into a Cave Blossom factory, my first four star ended up being this mushroom I planted just to fill up the space with too much light for cave blossoms


I snagged a lot of cave blossoms with different flower color combinations and gradients! organizing them took quite a while


"how many rare plants dya want?" "yes"


holy shit, this is the highest amount of the rarest trait plants i've seen in one room!

Deleted 2 years ago

Dusty Rose?

All of my favorite flowers!

From left to right;

Cute Pastel Goth GF     006 9677

Coranalize     058 088

Pumpkaboo     010 3129

my plant!


Here's George:)  He's got two rare traits: gentle giant, and special stem color. His seed is: 013 7052    



She may only be one star but o love my Star to me she is beautiful 


Star is very handsome!

Thank you

Look at this fine one :) I haven't named her yet, and I'm open to suggestions!


This Bionca the cactus hope you like her and I don't even know if anyone still plays this anymore.

eyy, epic stem gradient


Here's Galaxia! She's a beautiful garden plant with 3 rare traits

This is spice, my very first rare trait!


I just really like this plant and I wanted to share it :D


I think I discovered something- I took your seed and I planted 9 plants with the same seed as yours but I replaced the last digit (from 6 to all the other digits). I got nine different "forest sprigs" with 1/0 rare traits. I'm not sure what that means but pretty cool ha?
(the plants are in order from 0-9 but without 6)

this is sping'


One of my oldest plants (probably my fifth), I had them here for a while and decided to see their rarity, I'm glad to see it's rare, here: 004 2936


I wanted to grow some mushrooms, here's the first one I got! They really look like cartoon dino eggs to me 


Hi! so i found a pretty cool garden plant. I'm gonna name him poiple


She Who Shall Not Be Named are both plants names, If I find a plant that I think resembles a male, I will name it He Who Shall Not Be Named (Harry Potter reference) :3 Just because 


I hope ya'll like my bright orange tree


Just sayin I love that name


These are my new plant babies!! <3


some sweet lil guys ,')


Shallot Clone army

They are all the same


wow!! haha i love it. so many shallots

Lol thank you


(1 edit)

the rack on the right are all of my favorite plants I've grown so far :)

They are all so pretty!! I love them

thank you!


howdy everyone, it seems like nobody has been posting desert beauties here (at least what i have seen). so i'm going to post some of my favorite ones i have produced:

from left to right: 101 2722,   109 1449,   106 0664


I'm trying my best to get some rare desert beauties myself! This one's my favorite so far, I love how the flower looks like the nonbinary flag :3 

nice! farming a lot of desert beauties at once is a pain because they have to be in sunlight, good luck!


100 8716 :)


Here is Owen. He doesn't have any special traits but I still love him. Say hi to Owen!

Hii 👋

*whispers to Owen*

He says hi back!

It has a multicolored stem

here is my white plant :)


This is Alania, don't know if anyone wants her though

What's the plant on the right side of Alania?

(1 edit)

That is my plant June. Who is actually the owner’s plant. The first post on this thread. That’s the code for her.

It's my girl June

Deleted 38 days ago

is he your preciousssssss

yah haha

here is all of my plants if you want to see the seed or just a close up then reply (:

Wow, these look amazing! Could I have the seed for the left-most plant on the couch and the two on the upper right (the blue and orange ones)? They're so pretty :))

sadly i lost my progress but i think the orange ones seed is 055 7194

i made a whole plant family

the two by the window is Samantha And mike the bottom Is Casandra and Billy (billy is Mike and samanthas son) and then billys son TImothy

Cool! I like the generations :) may the family prosper

Here's some of my plants that I'll name left to right

  1. Tyler, seed #002 4258 Traits:0
  2. George, seed #009 5234 Traits: 1
  3. Tristen, seed #009 5245 Traits: 2
  4. Winston, seed #009 5232 Traits: 1
  5. Carlos, seed #019 5232 Traits: 1

I've figured out some of the seeds for some of the plants that are used in the shop icons:

Garden Plant: ??? ???? (it is not 000 0000.)

Prairie Star: ??? ????

Forest Sprig: I would like to assume it is 022 2222, but it looks a bit different.

Curling Vine: I would like to assume that it is 033 3333, but it looks a bit different. Just like in the case of the Forest Sprig, it is a bit lighter than in the shop.

Cactus: 044 4444 (0 rare traits)

Cave Blossom: 055 5555 (1 rare trait)

Tiny Tree: 066 6666 (0 rare traits)

Ancient Fern: ??? ???? (077 7777 doesn't work for some reason. 099 9999 works, but it doesn't look like the icon.)

Lil' Mushroom: ??? ???? (It is not 088 8888, which has 2 rare traits)

Desert Beauty: ??? ???? (It is not 100 0000, 101 0000 or 100 0001, but 101 0000, which has 2 rare traits, looks the most similar. Those are the only ones that I have tried.)

Also, this is unrelated but I put in my birthday and I got a four star plant! It's really fun to just input random numbers and see what I get.  I give thanks to the dev who made this game.

In what order did you put the day, month and year?

Hi, sorry for the late reply, but I can't really remember. I think I did year, then month, then day, as I am born in the 00's. I had to cut off the '2' as otherwise it would've been too long.

Woah, what was the code for the 4 star?

all praise the shop cave blossom

(1 edit)

This place is quite inactive. I'm a new player, and have loved a lot of the plants that were shared. Thanks for all of these beautiful plants that I would have never found by myself. I would like  to share my favourite plant that I have grown myself. It isn't the rarest plant that I have found, but it brings me a lot of nostalgia. I named the mushroom 'Cinema' because it reminded me of those 3D glasses that you would wear to the cinemas in the 2000s.

This was one of the first garden plants I put up on a new save since I lost my original game. 


 I have this one part of the room called "The Dead Plants," yeah they basically look dead and I love it.

also pls give me a screenshot and seed of ur plant that looks dead

Here's Vex and she is very not alive but I Iove her

And here's Binky, he's also not alive but he's fantastic

Definition of being left out/abandoned.

Meet Life, Afterlife, and Underworld !!

Father and son plants !

Blugre Sr. and Blugre Jr. (blue-ghre)

Here's Small girl, 2 traits, With Roxanne (Right 1 trait), and Dollface (1 trait).

Can I get Dollface's seed? With the yellow flowers, love those colours

(1 edit)


nice copy from the original

What's the seed? cant see the image.

only has one trait but is realy pretty




This is Angel, my 2-star shroom. Their gradient stem makes it look like their gills are glowing! 


Here is my set up, hope you like it 💕


Some seed codes of my favorite plants 

Deleted 3 years ago

those r some nice plants :O i love the 2nd prairie's colour, its so pretty :D


here's my two-star, Flare :) her seed is 005 8617


yooo this is mint, a cool cool tree

1 trait but very cool



The star of my collection


So these are my set of bird themed plants, they're cave blossoms. the white one is named Dove, and right now i'm looking to finish the set with a Crow, but I can't seem to get an all/mostly black cave blossom. if anyone has a seed for something like that, please let me know! i really want to finish this family! 

i have one


It took a while but I got my first five star. I think the cave blossom on the right is a seed copy but I liked the colors so much I kept it. The left is another three star that just has some great colors.

please tell me the seed, the image doesn't load :3

whats the seed for the one to the right

058 9300 - Risk was the original poster.

Ooo what's the seed for the right


Aww, their colors are so cute! I'll be sure to use the code! :D

Nice 😃




Enjoy! <3



My Cave Blossom, Lemon Boy. w h e e z e - 


Can i just say that i love ur plant and that it really fits like the vibe of the lemon boy song :0





no, but it is the 3rd

my lil fairymy lil fariy

he so cute
(1 edit)

do you like it

my bath set up

my bath set up

i would love if you could make your own plants mix seeds so there would be a plant kinda like dog breeding and if yo could paint how you plant would look and the shape i love this game i have no problems with it :D

Misty is my first plant and in my opinion also a really pretty one, she has a special place in my heart.

im making a nice little cave blossom land any good ones anyone?


Is it possible to get a 6 trait plant?


Yes, it's possible, but in the history of this thread, only two have been found.


Ok so, this plant isn't that special and it has no special traits to it, but I thought it looked like a tiny christmas tree :)


Found this cave blossom and thought it looked cool. I dont think I've found any pink ones yet :]

This is Mag, my 4 star garden plant. He was my very first plant, guess I got lucky.


Woah, that's incredible!!

This is King Kai, he has no special traits but look at him!! 

i like that her stem is pink


my first 3 stars! she's all pretty and purple i like her


whoaaa stella rules!!


I found this game yesterday and immediately got obsessed with this game :) oh and I want to share my lucky plant here ^^ 

I haven't picked out the name tho


This is Oatmeal, she is named after one of my favorite things. She is my first and most beloved cactus.



this is season my first 4 star :]


This is Beanie and I love them, I have other plants I really love but right now this one with the color is my fav.


My favorite plant! Also one of the first 2 stars I got!!


And my 3 star vibin next to his friends Booth and Erlin! Next stop, 4 star?

I like how the stems look

For some reason, your forest sprig looks like a lot of green mushrooms bunched up together lol. 


This is my favorite cactus I have grown so I named it the initials of one my friends. It's one trait is a multi-colored stem. Seed: 0436070

i  got a pink plant called pinky ( idk if its a dumb name for a pink plant ) here's the thing to grow it!  :   008 4855  


No me sale bien el inglés, perdonenme uu

La llame Candy  porque parece un bastoncito de caramelo, los de navidad :DDD

Al de al lado lo llamé arbolito de oro, porque parece un arbolito de oro uu


d a v e t h e p l a n t

(he doesnt have that many rare traits, i just thought he was cool and wanted to share my first plant)

(3 edits) (+1)



here is my baby :) she is my fav fav FAV plant which is why she gets the best seat in the house :D feel free to use her code :")


This is my first 3 star, I've been playing for only a couple days. (ignore the name its for my list <3 )


oo very handsome!!

(2 edits)

Not too special, but they're pretty :]

first rare plant , you can use the code if you wanna


my first three-star plant

I am very new to to the game but i got the hang of it and i have an unnamed garden plant with 2 traits  i really still dont know where the camera in game stores photos so i cant show the image just yet but if someone knows please let me know heres the code (  002 5006  )

I'm pretty sure the camera stores the pictures in your "downloads" if you have a laptop. 

These are photos of my favourite three star mushroom.

I named him blorp because he looked like an alien plant. He was the third plant I ever grew.

(1 edit)

i think it is the 3rd 5 star

i was very wrong there are a lot more


I named it purple lettuce 

I copied your seed and named my fern Purple Flurp. :D


my pretty boy gerard

WOW she he is pretty  is she he you're favorite 


Yea hes my fave :)

(1 edit) (+2)

This is peep, He is one of my first flowers! (And one of my favorites ;) )


all hail peep!

do you like it?


peep's the best!


(1 edit)

One year later after i forgot to check in and my save reset and i forgot my itch password, so glad i posted this!

Heres a recreation of this image: 


Say hello to The World's Most Interesting Fern!


This is the most beautiful cave blossom I've grown myself. Still unnamed. But they have 3 traits!

Omg!! It is so beautiful!!!

Thank you!!

My smol cactus

aww, cute!

... owie, a cactus right where someone would sit on the toliet lol (ngl i do the same)

My white little tree

My tree is similar. I named it Ghost :)


a n g l e

Here's my lovely Cruella the Cave Blossom, with variegated leaves and a fancy stem color.

Deleted 3 years ago

I wish I knew! Sadly, that game has been deleted.

(1 edit) (+2)

Here is my favourite plant Rex


(1 edit) (+1)

Finally got a three star! It took a while, but here's a Cave Blossom with three rare traits - multi-coloured flowers, flower colour gradient and fancy stem colour. They don't look like much, but I love them anyways.


Here have my code for this candy-blue mushroom with 3 rare traits.


It looks really cute!


I am once again sharing a plant... my punk of a cactus!

(1 edit) (+2)

I've not yet seen a 4-headed cactus in the game. Named this one E.T.


Have a code for this 5-trait mushroom:

(2 edits) (+2)

Behold: Moonlight a very pretty and my VERY FIRST plant and Garden Plant


this is woof woof :D and hes a prairie star and he has two rare traits!

his seed is: 010 3051


oo i love woof woof!! he's great!!

he's beautiful! :o


heres my fav one <3  golden 

i also included his friend bc i think ppl will like him more 


Golden is so cute!!! she looks like an autumn tree, which is my favorite season!

Wasn't expecting it to have three stars but I'm so proud :>

this is chris he's beautiful



Ooh! Can i use his seed?

the game is always lagging.

4-trait mushroom :O
No description available.


Seed: 099 6003


Can't believe I just got this one! my own eggplant fern lol

i bumped into one of these irl and nearly killed me, lol


She has a nice flower gradient, they love to dance and their only friend is a tree, who loves to be with them in candlelight

do you like her?

This is my garden plant Barney he is a 3 star. If you cant view the picture his seed is 007 0119

So far this is my favourite plant, Persephone :]


My multicolored cactus + seed

Deleted 3 years ago

winter, completely white tiny tree, row 2, column 1

Deleted 3 years ago

doy\ you have a 7 seven star there if so can i have the seed

Deleted 3 years ago

Yes. I call it, "shit ass browser"

This is where I'll be posting my plants! Do whatever! I am currently working on a Cave Blossom Farm but first:

(1 edit)
059 9013 Cave Blossom [Blooshroom] -image-

Just got this lil baby, he's already so beautiful ❤

i see he has fallen, but still really really love it! <3 could i have the seed please? :)


My web progress died so I couldn't get  the seed :(


I don't usually make posts or talk anywhere lol but I figured someone would enjoy this 6 star seed I got :) It makes a fun addition to any collection


im pretty sure thas the first 6 start anyones found but idk i havent played in a while


So far only 3 6-star plants have been found.


Garth is a 2 star, but still really pretty.

garth is so pretty omg

087 5638 my lil baby. hes a bit ugly but hes special nonetheless... I cant attach a piocture bc the site throws an error but he has 5 stars !!!!!

lol even ugly can still have hidden beauty

 just gt them there the same this is weird I got them in the shop so

(1 edit)

share all your mushroooooms here i just want to see them no need for seed

lol love it 

made a lil' mushroom friend. he's only one star, but he's living his best life




Hello gardeners!

I'm pretty new in the game.

Glad to see how many rare plants are here. 

Here it is my first mushroom, no rare traits. Seed: 085 9462

I would enjoy growing & collecting them.

Have a nice day!

very nic

I just think they're neat, you know?


nice :)


My new living room! 

Thanks to all the gardeners who are sharing his/her seeds.

Feel free to ask me for any seed you like here. q;D

Have a nice day!

I love the one on the bottom with the blue stem and pink flowers (in the yellow pot). May I please have the seed??

Here, it is! Happy to share its beauty -->  Seed: 019 0439

I collect rare mushrooms (colorful or with spots) If you have some you want to share I would appreciate it.

Have a nice day gardener!

Thank you! I'm new to the game so I don't have many mushrooms right now, but I'll start!

Can I have the seed for the one on the top with the red pot and orange flowers? I also really like that yellow fern. Thank you!

Ok! We have the amazing Prairie Star (seed: 018 4158) and the original Ancient Fern (seed:097 6577)

I'm looking for colorful Prairie Stars, I love the tiny ones. If you have seeds you want to share I realy appreciate it!

Have a good day gardener!

Ah, here are some of my fave prairie stars, I even have a toxic looking one hh. The others aren't too colorful but I love the lil softies :D

What are the seeds of the plants on the coffee table?

Hello gardener!

I modified my collection since this post but I think I have a few seeds for you :)

Pink: 019 0439 ; Orange and purple: 016 3450 ; Colorful one: 012 8700

If you have some colorful plants or mushroom seeds to share, I would appreciate it.

Definitely! Here are a few of my favorites.

017 5786

016 8016

019 2985

057 8915

014 2325

058 4953

082 4603

If I find any more, I'll let you know!

Also, the "pink" one was actually the red and blue one. It's not a problem, just wanted to let you know!

Ohhh, thank you very much for sharing all those seeds. 

I have a few more: 018 4158 | 014 1458 | 017 8939

Have a nice week!

could i get the code for that purple stem and orange flowered one at the bottom (red vase)?  also surprise mushroom code! 086 7704 (1 star)

Hi! Yes for sure, here it is >> 018 4158 

New mushroom added to my collection. Thx! q;D


I love my fancy stem colored Prairie Star (:

i literally had the exact same plant but my game is saying your browser does not support web gl

Orion looks so cool! 

One of my plants name is Orion too! 

Ohhh it's so pretty. Thx for sharing the seed. q:D

Have a nice weekend gardeners!


Looks great and I guess really rare

So pretty and delicate! What a beauty q:D

Lily is beautiful I love the colors!


anyone for a four-star 'shroom?

Idk If this would be the right spot to ask, but has anyone ever gotten any orange coloring on a cave blossom?


I have this one, kind of orange/yellow one.

I have another orange ones, but no more cave blossom.

omg!! That’s exactly what I was looking for :)

Thank you!!!!

Nice! Happy to help q:D

(1 edit)

i got one today! along with a couple that are more yellow/red


omg that first one is soo pretty!!!!! Thank you!!

055 5555 is kinda orange, and is the one shown in the shop for cave blossoms

this is gaberel, love them <3 (002 4706)

Hello gardeners,

Here is my bunch of little 'shroom.

If someone wants to share their little ones, I love to collect them.

(1 edit)

Not a shroomie, and she's only a one star, but here's one of my favorite bbys (that I didn't grow from a seed)




The best I could get was My Mess :) and Ass Plants Ass

And who's the little darling to the right??

oh thats lilly!!

Here's my plant Luna and shes cool

I got a plant with 4 rare traits! :')


Also, I think Cinderella is pretty cute

Quite original! Shy and beautiful.

love  you mista <3

is this a jojo reference



this is my bb kanade :D

ik she's only a two star and still growing but she's precious to me :)


This is terry.


My favorite plant



Added to the collection! I didn't have the yellow one with grey spots :)


these are my two star shrooms. I think they look pretty cool.

I'm looking for some unique desert beuatys. Does anybody have any codes?

Perhaps? (ik ik, im two years late)

the plant gods were kind to me and spat out a red/pink cave blossom!! very exciting

Cute! my blue one say hi.

the closest i can get 

hmm thats pretty close



I made the mistake of starting this game up not long before my bedtime. I got so addicted to growing new plants and seeing how they turned out. Lovely game and a lovely experience. The only downside (not really) is that I got two 4* plants fairly early on so I didn't realize how rare they are. It took another several hours for me to find even another 3* plant. But that's okay, since even the 0* plants look so pretty and unique. What a great game. If anyone is interested in my rare seeds:


my first five star!!!

recommend me names :)



Any of you lovely lot fancy a 4 star plant? :D

how do I turn on the showerhead?? I got a mushroom but IDK how to turn on the showerhead

Hi! it's easy, click on the curtain and check the option "water on" . 

I wish this could help!



ty ik now


This is my favorite cave blossom, Cecelia.


Hi! I like the yellow one. Can I have the seed? 

Nice Elsa btw :)

yes yes it might take a while but ofc!

087 9300 <3

Got it!! Thank you Miyu :)


hello this is wednseday, shes goth and i love her

Added to my collection. Thx!

I'm glad :) of course!

This is my girl Rosa, she only has one rare trait but I think she is very pretty 


this one is one of my favs

why would u name them that HAHAHA 

they're very pretty :) added to my shelf

well, I called one of mine Elissapointment... 019 0311

i named it after myself


this is my pretty girl 

Thx for sharing. I like it!




Nice! I saw that you like white flowers, here is one seed for you: 052 2256

Ah, I actually don't, I got those two early on and simply wanted to keep them since they were my 3rd and 5th plants, but thanks!! I actually accidentally restarted, thinking you could reupload the downloads, so yeah :(

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