I think it would be more beneficial to keep your charms normal in the very early game, as 10 charms (or +100 of that resource) is better than the +1% when you are making less than 10k resources per cycle(cuz 1% of 10k is 100). after you get past that point though, it's better to just convert.
Recent community posts
gold is a much harder resource to aquire later in the game as there is seldom an easy way to farm it like the other resources, and given that dungeon keys cost a flat amount of gold, wood, herbs, and ore, with that cost increasing the higher tier the dungeon, the game needed extra sources of gold to make up for the poor selling rate of armour.
Perhaps pick up items might be nice? Let's say, a compass to point to the nearest group of white pieces if someone gets lost. Other kinds of attacks/weapons would also be good, like a spear, having it have longer reach in exchange for no attack arc(although now that i think about it, this isn't exactly "chess-like"). As for the attacks, you could use a keybind to consume extra attack charges in exchange for a bigger/more powerful attack. Very good game though, keep up the good work!