Okay, so I played this for more than 3 hours or so and there a lot of things to work on/needs improvements...
First the zombies. Please Nerf. 1.They're too annoying bouncing around like a bunch of hooligans(or is this part of the concept? Good art though). 2.it there supposed to be a specific trait for each zombie(i found that the white on can explode and all)3.Please impose on a range on until when a zombie can follow you(yeah, it followed me throughout the map)
Second, the player: 1.Player dies if player does not follow the intended path for the ramps(ex. taking a short-cut automatically kills you).2.If you eat can of soup, it decreases your water bar and increase your food bar(as intended). It's Very illogical seeing that soup is practically made out of water and all.
Next is the vehicle/items:1.When player gets off while a vehicle is running, player dies for some reason.2.Good vehicle designs but they're more or less just designs(would love to have an actual working gun on the tank/APC)3. Where is the helicopter?4.Please more water items... its hard to find water bottle only in a vast environment(maybe make soup regen both food and water bar)