I've decided my game will be a 'meta' game; basically you are playing a bunch of arcade games and you are finding things within them that aren't quite correct until the game just crashes completely in some unorthodox way (maybe breaking the fourth wall towards the end).
So, the first game I picked was snake, and when you go to collect the food, a 'scary face' pops up. It's just some art I've pulled off of google images and re-coloured dark green. It's a place holder for something else; like maybe the game cracks open and then blacks out, transitioning into space invaders or something. I haven't gotten that far yet.
NOTE: Controlling the snake is a b****, I know. It's hard using just the mouse, but for the next few games I will make sure to make it more mouse accessible. Sometimes it doesn't register when you click, I think that's just Java screwing with me.
NOTE 2: Am looking for an artist + sound designer casually, so if you want to help, let me know!
NOTE TRES: This game is being coded from scratch in java and this first version is ~ 1 hour of work. So you need java installed.
Anywho, here's the first version of the game (opens in new tab):