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Lust Doll

An adult game set in a post-apocalyptic sci fi/ fantasy open exploration world. · By indivi

Cassie's route? (Lust Doll +

A topic by Dogecoin57 created Mar 09, 2020 Views: 41,177 Replies: 9
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Sorry if this is a stupid question, but I have no clue how to continue Cassie's route. I have unlocked her safehouse, but I can't talk to her further. When I speak to her all she tells me is to, "Don't go telling anyone about this place, alright?" And I have no indication of where to go from my logbook.

I've been to the city and to Transylvania, is there something I'm missing that's obvious? 


In the slums, there's a toll guy. Force your way past him, then sleep, then return to the slums!

what do we do after that


It takes a while to be able to do it, as you need to go through the quest lines of a few of the other named characters first, namely Fawn, Linlin, Sammy, and Arlene. Once you've got them, this is what you gotta do:

-Sneak or fight your way past the toll guy


-Return to the slums, you'll know you got it right if the toll guy laughs and says he warned you

-When you enter the slums you'll be taken to the don who will demand his money back

-Refuse to pay him repeatedly until you get the option to work it off

-Choose grunt work, and he'll show you a picture of his 'pet/slave' that he wants you to find, and you recognize her as Cassie

-Go back to the abandoned town and talk to Cassie


-Return to the Don, she'll be there having been captured

-Speak to Fawn about the Don, and she'll give you some ideas. You can speak to her a second time on a later day to ask about the Don's men's schedules

-Speak to LinLin in the massage parlor, there's a couple things she offers to do but I asked her to steal a key

-Sammy in the bathhouse can tell you about guard schedules as well

-Talk to Arlene at the police station says she can't help because the Don is keeping the slums clean but she's pissed about it

-Go to the slums and pay some of the homeless down there to raise a fuss. (note: the first guy you talk to asks for 1200 credits, but he takes it and runs off to the strip club, so you have to find him and then talk to the folks in the slums again)


-Talk to Arlene and set up a meeting between her and Fawn

-Head back to the Don's place, and there will be a quest marker to rescue Cassie. There's a number of skill challenges, most of my skills were at 12 when I did this as the challenges are kinda hard

Neato! That's pretty accurate (not saying it isnt true), You don't need to speak to Sammy, because you can get it from either both Lin Lin or Sammy (your choice) and the part where you give the hobo 1200 is slightly incorrect, the last time i did cassie's route he asked for 1000 credits (not 1200 but might be in acurrate aswell) The end of the comment is true (you might wanna save alot) or it could be easier if your stats are 20 or maybe even 30 (grinding the torture rack exp and skill level up i managed to reach 34-39 for the skills i could upg for the acctivities in the club, it took me around a week of grinding (might be inacurate) jsut to do that, or you could just use the cheats at the start of the game. (if i have typos i was typing this fast and i dont bother to fix them)

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how do u get xp from torture rack(also is ero needed), also i should use the devild drink arena right?

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i ttried this and it didn't work, I really wanna save cassie but no matter what i try it fails, someone please help i followed everything exactly and it still won't work, it's upsetting me and making me not wanna play anymore.

is there anymore after that?

I have done the entire route for this and so far there is not, there is an option to 'claim' or 'buy' her but that particular option and maybe even route isn't finished yet.

ah ok well all i have to do is to wait patiently for the next update or play some other cause i think i finished all the stor