History Background
After Sukarno and Hatta proclamated Indonesia's independence, lot of Indonesian especially youth supporting and attacked many Japanese HQ especially in Surabaya. Arek-arek Surabaya or more populer as Arek-arek Suroboyo), British army from India has arrived to many big cities in Sumatra and Java, one is Surabaya, and have mission to disarm all Japanese soliders and help Dutch establish agian colonial government.
In first time, Surabaya's government welcome them but tension with arek-arek Suroboyo with British soliders made situation no so good in October 1945. Many gun fight happened in Surabaya streets.
Tension become high when Brigadier-General Mallaby killed in Jembatan Merah bridge in 30 October. British army under Robert Mansergh ultimatum all Surabayan to surrender in 6.00 AM 10 November. They refused and lot of Indonesia come to Surabaya while British assamble 10.000 mans, many battleship,and fighter for fight against more than 100.000 Indonesia.
Surabaya become large inferno more than weeks...
More information about battle of Surabaya https://sengkala.itch.io/surabaya-inferno/devlog/130769/battle-of-surabaya-in-su... or search in WIkipedia
In this game, there are three arcs :
- Consilidation: Fight against Japanese to get weapon for defending new nation
- Fighting Cock:Street gight agianst British soliders
- Inferno:Total war strategy from British agaisnt Indonesian in Surabaya
In this arc :you must stop British to conquer Surabaya in all cost with control send army from many streets to stop British's advance,
Indonesian Unit
Hizbullah is moslem militia formed by Masyumi, ulama coucial of Indonesian to assist Japanese Imperial army in war at 1944 but after war over and all militia disbanded, Hizbullah become one of military organization for defending indonesia independence.
Hizbullah have well knowledge in fighting like TKR.
Santri is islam boarding traditional student. From childhood to teenage, they learn deeply Islam and some of them join Hizbullah. Santri involved in battle of Surabaya after ulama in East Java called jihad to defending Indonesia independence.
Santri have little fire arms and mostly they use bamboo or clurit in fighting
Arek-arek is popular term for peoples of Surabaya and all of thim is civilians armed either with rifle, bamboo, or clurit.
Arek-arek compare TKR and Hizbullah not so strong but number of them and spirit make them strong.
TKR(Tentara Keamaan Rakyat/Safety People's Solider)
TKR is Indonesian soliders combination of PETA, the native soliders formed by Imperial Japanese in 3 October 1943, Heiho, assistant soliders native formed by Japanaese in 2 September1942 and ex-KNIL, Dutch Indies soliders who want fight for new nations.
TKR have better skills compared to all units .
Now Sengkala Dev will try to improving battle system in Inferno arc and later focus in other arcs.
If you want try you can visit our site https://sengkala.itch.io/surabaya-inferno