This is the best that I could come up for now. I actually wanted to make a (real) desktop app, with mouse and keyboard controls, but it seems that my brain is already too used to mobile devices... And it might even be fun...
Working title: Jet Jumping Virtues
Side scrolling 2d game with tricky? (new?) controls.
The levels are made up by the seven (heavenly) virtues as words, written in a font like Press Start 2P (
(the right order needs to be play tested)
The player always starts on the first letter and needs to reach the last letter.
The player has one life and always needs to start from the beginning when dead.
Each step consists of three movements: up, right, down - in this order.
When pressed one of the movements, the player accelerates in this direction until he either leaves the screen (or some preset boarder),
a new movement is choosen or the ground (some character of the current word) is reached.
The characters can not be hit sidewards, only when in downwards direction.
Simple as the font, probably a grey square on white letters with black background, maybe different colored end letter.
Reach the end of the last virtue. If this will be too easy (or there is time left), add some type of score, like time,
(least) number of moving cycles, number of letters touched, ...