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[Unity][Programmer] Experienced programmer looking for a project !

A topic by Wasplay created Mar 16, 2020 Views: 433 Replies: 6
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(12 edits)

Hi ! My developer name is Wasplay, and my actual name is Gabriel.
I'm a young french developer and I've been programming stuff since quite a bit of time !

My latest (and in my opinion best) work I've done so far is an Android game called LAZERS Reflex, you can download its APK here !
Or check a gameplay video here :

I made everything from the code to the musics and art myself. (same for LAZERS+ and COOOP, but none of my games is art-heavy anyway)

I'm now looking for a publisher for LAZERS Reflex and this might take a few months before I eventually find one. So during this time, I'd like to use my C# skills for someone who needs them !

Ways to contact me :
Email :
Discord : Gabwiel#0379

Current status : Busy !


Do you know Ruby Game Scripting System 2?

No, I only know C#, Lua and Python.
I'd prefer to work on a Unity project !

Hi Wasplay, I would be interested in working with you on a project. Let me know your email so we can talk. :)

Deleted post

Accepted !