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Parkous-fps, Milk-Induced action shooter · By Dani

Instaling it on raspberry pi!

A topic by SecretBasment created Mar 20, 2020 Views: 1,210 Replies: 10
Viewing posts 1 to 8

I dont now what im doing.

so does it run on the pi?

No. It's sad.

Yea, unity doesn't support it

But that could be my 0% skills.

maybe the game isnt made for an arm cpu?

It's propably true, but i literly can not install quake 3 on raspberry pi 3.

Creating some small horror games to see what mechanic of "horror" i'm good at. Released my new game tonight if you and anybody else would like to try it out. Created in a week and a half so not the most polished or detailed.

Preety nice game!


So, i came back to the topic. Karslon run on x86 linux and raspberry pi supprot only arm linux. I tried to run it using programs, that emulate x86... and i sucseded!... In 1fps. I bought udo x86 || and installed ubuntu x86, witch ran it at outstanding 15fps!!! I'm thinking abount buying a dell compute stick, and if i will, i will try karlson there! (windows 10)


Nice! Sounds like you put a lot of effort into trying things out! You should consider uploading a Video on yt about it. Im sure People would find it interesting. :D