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Juice Galaxy (formerly Juice World)

Floppy ragdoll rpg sandbox with physics-based combat · By fishlicka

download on Mac fail

A topic by LuigiKnight created Mar 20, 2020 Views: 209 Replies: 6
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So I tried to download Juice World and the issue is idk if its my wifi or something but it fails to download and upon pressing reset it turns the zip file into something else that ends up being a text page


Now that is weird... I'm going to upload a new version in a few hours, maybe try again tonight.

thanks man. I will try it somewhere with better wifi as well and see if that works

(1 edit)

good news bad news. I got the game to download. bad news: the screen is all messed up and gliched and I can't see anything or if I do it all bleeds into each other 


Oh no! Sounds like it has something to do with the way I'm rendering to a texture. I have a couple macs I can use for testing. If you don't mind, could you post what version of mac you are running on? A screenshot might help too but I think I've seen what you are talking about. Thank you for telling me!

Wait! there is a solution, when this pops up, go into the setting tab and mess around with the quality settings! That should fix it!


Awesome, yeah the changing pixellation setting I think should be the one that does it. Thank you!

I'll work on this.