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Fantasy computer for making, playing and sharing tiny games. · By Nesbox

Collision-detection library "Bump" and simple demo for TIC-80

A topic by alrado created Apr 12, 2017 Views: 3,506
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Lua collision-detection library for axis-aligned rectangles. Its main features are:

  • bump.lua only does axis-aligned bounding-box (AABB) collisions.
  • Handles tunnelling - all items are treated as "bullets". The fact that we only use AABBs allows doing this fast.
  • Strives to be fast while being economic in memory
  • It's centered on detection, but it also offers some (minimal & basic) collision response
  • Can also return the items that touch a point, a segment or a rectangular zone.
  • bump.lua is gameistic instead of realistic.

See more on github

The code turned out to be quite large, so the link to the cartridge